Tuesday, June 26, 2007

recommended summer reading ...

... AKA a blatant plug for the blogs listed on the right

Marianna's Random Ponderings is ,as the title suggests, a bit random in subject matter, but nevertheless an entertaining read filled with great links and a sharp wit. Written by my younger sister (a trained ninja, I might add) there is never a dull moment as her creative mind is unleashed in blog form.

the Life and Times of Jessica, written by my youngest sister, reads like an online journal (once again very relevant to the title). Her postings are insightful and genuine.
Reading this blog is a great way to stay up to date on Jessica's comings and goings and just get to know her better in general.

Aardvark Arsenal is not actually a blog but the myspace page of an incredibly talented music group (my brother is the guy on the far right of their picture and the "sanger" of the group). So I suppose this sight would be recommended summer listening rather than reading, highly recommended summer listening!

Meg's Life Away from Hub City formerly known as Meg's Life in Centralia, is written by my former roommate, a master of spontaneity and randomness (also a ninja who sometimes masquerades as a pirate). This blog has some awesome slide shows of Megan's adventures and exciting posts about things like barbequeing frogs and catching mice for pets using peanut butter.

the Zoo is a blog written by my cousin Chelsea. There are great pictures of her adorable kids and fun stories (many involving her son Ryan playing with mud, paint and other things) She also has some good homeschooling tips and crafts ideas for her readers.

In conclusion: I read an interesting article today about ninjas that I thought my two ninja friends mentioned above might find interesting. I must say that I am grateful that the two of you have managed to live in peace with each other thus far (it probably helps that you live on opposite coasts). I fear that someday it might come down to a brutal and bloody face off to prove once and for all who is the superior ninja, but I hope that day will never come.

the beginning ...

So this is what happens when it's late at night and I'm bored ... I spontaneously, randomly start a blog (I'm sure Megan will be proud of my random spontaneity) If this becomes a habit (posting late at night) I'm sure my blog will be interesting and entertaining (I hope ?) if not a bit odd. The reason I haven't started a blog before now is because I had no idea what I would post about (really, what part of my life is so riveting as to keep someone's attention with posting about it?) Obviously I still have no inspiration with the way I am rambling on ... no inspiration but the coffee keeping me awake. So in order to keep this blog going in the future, I would ask anyone interested to suggest some topics ... otherwise this may become a pathetic one post blog, the result of insomnia and that wierd mood people get in late at night.

There is one interesting thing I discovered the other day ... did you know that you can vote on the new seven wonders of the world? I think that's pretty cool if for no other reason than to say that you did http://www.new7wonders.com/ is the web address. Check it out and let me know what you voted for. I actually haven't voted yet, but I'm planning to ... there are 10 days left before they announce the winners.