Friday, July 27, 2007

*side note*

Today is Take Your Houseplants for a Walk Day ...

so don't miss out on the fun!

(also, your plants might be sad if you don't participate)

Photo by Sugar Pond

Monday, July 23, 2007

mission impossible ...

your mission ...
should you choose to accept ... (you don't really have a choice)

the Impossible Quiz!
or use this link for the deluxe version ...

It's a roller coaster ride of emotions - excitement, joy, confusion, frustration, madness!
Do you have what it takes? Will you persevere?
When you've completed the quiz, declare it proudly! (I haven't finished it yet, but I will!)
If you give up without finishing *cough* loser *cough* ... 'fess up!

Who will be victorious? Who will complete the mission?
I will post a comment when I've succeeded ... you do the same ...

Friday, July 20, 2007

ARE YOU RANDOM??? User Test: The are you random Test.

Are you random?

Slightly insane

You remind me of a kid in my class. I wonder what happened to that kid?

Click Here to Take This Quiz

Quizzes and Personality Tests User Test: The Randometer Test.

If you are not random, please apologize and explain why ...

then marinate your brain in some Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey (especially entertaining late at night when you should be sleeping)

Saturday, July 14, 2007

blood and goring ...


Today was the end of the week long running of the bulls in Spain (sorry, Jonathan, I know you're sad that you weren't there). 11 people were hurt Thursday, including two brothers from the US that were gored simultaneously by the same bull ... that takes talent ...

3 more people were
injured today. I read an article earlier this week about what it is like to be gored by a bull (warning: it's a bit graphic) for those of you who are curious.

So ... who wants to join me next year in Pamplona?

Por fin toros by inthesitymad. Kukuxumusu balcony bull By jsprhrmsn.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

photo gallery ...

my submissions for All American Pet Photo Day -

----------------Rex -->
Rex is also looking for a new home ... this puppy in the window is free!

<-- Chasseur
the insect/spider/mouse hunter, whose name means ... hunter -----------------

Monday, July 9, 2007

beware the ninjas ...

Thank you for all who voted in the poll "Which would you rather be?" 42% voted for pirates and 42% for ninja-pirates. Dwight Schrute received 14% of the votes. This brings me to the unforseen outcome that prompted me to post today ... the ninjas received no votes ... I never considered this as a possibility when I made the poll ... I thought at least my two ninja friends would surely vote "ninja" ... now I fear there may be grave consequences. A ninja scorned is something no man, woman or child would ever want to face. In light of this, please watch this video and consider what could and very well may happen if and when ninjas invade our cities to take revenge. I don't want to frighten anyone, but I felt I should warn all of you. I love you all ... (in case I never see you again)

Thursday, July 5, 2007

more fun holidays ...

Now that one of our greatly celebrated holidays has passed, let's consider some less well known holidays coming up this weekend ...

This Saturday, July 7 is Chocolate Day, Father-Daughter Take a Walk Day (presumably to expend some calories from all of the celebratory chocolate) and the running of the bulls starts in Spain (so ... while fathers and daughters go for a walk, mothers and sons go for a run?)

Sunday, July 8 is Video Games Day, Be a Kid Again Day (which kind of goes along with Video Games Day) and Don't Put All Your Eggs in One Omelet Day ... I have to say, I'm glad it's not Put All Your Eggs in One Omelet Day, 'cause I have a full carton of 18 in the fridge and I really don't know what I would do with an 18 egg omelet! But for those of you who only have two or three eggs on hand, I suppose you'll have to cut back or come borrow some eggs from me ...

On an entirely different subject, I read an interesting article today that supports a long held theory of mine. The title of the article is Gals don’t gab that much more than guys ... which isn't my theory exactly ... in fact, I guess I have more of an anti-theory, namely the theory that all girls talk more than all guys. Obviously, I am that proof to disprove the theory. I would say that on a day to day basis I talk half as much as either of my sisters, I even know a few guys that talk more than me! ... which really is no news to any of you reading this ... but anyway, it was nice to see a different perspective in this study and know that I am normal, just slightly less wordy.

Well, sorry for rambling a bit there, didn't mean to get all introspective on you .... thanks for reading and don't forget to celebrate the upcoming holidays this weekend!

Monday, July 2, 2007

random facts*...

Random facts are well known for stimulating your brain. They help keep your brain younger, sharper, and generally more pleasant to be around.

If you keep a goldfish in the dark room, it will eventually turn white.
A can of SPAM™ is opened every 4 seconds. ewww...
On average, 12 newborns will be given to the wrong parents daily! hmmm ... that explains alot ...
By raising your legs slowly and laying on your back, you cannot sink into quicksand. (good fact to remember?? )
Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying.
Bats always turn left when exiting a cave!! note to self: when being chased by a bat, turn right!
Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people do.
2,500 left handers die each year using products designed for right handers. my poor, poor left handed friends *sniff*
In an average day, a four year old child will ask 437 questions.
4,000 people are injured by tea pots every year. is there a scientific name for fear of teapots?
*disclaimer: These facts, as they were found on the internet, may or may not be 100% accurate.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

cast your vote ...

I've added a nifty little poll to the right...

... and the people want to know ...

Which would you rather be?

So chime in, whether you're a connoisseur of all things ninja, a pirate enthusiast, a fan of the ever elusive ninja-pirate or you look to Dwight Schrute as your hero ... voice your opinion and let the world know! (okay maybe not the world, just the other two or three people that read this blog)

check out these websites if you're not sure-

... in a bizarre coincidence, Dwight has a post about ninjas on his blog that may also be of interest ...